TOXIC ALGAL BLOOMS HEALTH CONCERNS by: Dr. Sharon Collins #takehealthyback We have always had toxic algal blooms in some of our waterways—this is nothing new. It often occurs naturally. However the problem with these toxic blooms is that their extent and frequency is...

Arsenic in Our Food and in Us

Arsenic in Our Food and in Us by: Dr. Sharon Collins #takehealthyback I learned recently that children in California were found to have disturbing levels of arsenic, other heavy metals, and toxic chemical contaminants in their blood. “Cancer benchmark levels were...

Hatred, Love and Reconciliation

Hatred, Love & Reconciliation by: Dr. Sharon Collins #takehealthyback This is a powerful story of hatred, love, and reconciliation. Our world is so full of hatred—mainly because many of us are reacting to what has been done TO us or to those we love. Blacks and...


Grateful by Dr. Sharon Collins’ Son: Louis M. Collins I’m so grateful for my life, which I was VERY close to losing last Tuesday night when I had to be rushed to the ER for extreme respiratory distress and near accute heart failure which then led to kidney...

The PURPOSE of the Problem

The PURPOSE of the Problem by: Dr. Sharon Collins #takehealthyback On March 26, 2018, I wrote in my journal, “When I insist on how things are supposed to be—or on how I THINK that things are supposed to be—it is then that I remain in pain.” That day I asked Father God...


Taking A Stand by: Dr. Sharon Collins When I was about nine years old, I discovered that my father had started smoking cigarettes. I was shocked. I found out when our family was visiting my aunt. I was in the bedroom playing games with my sister. My father, who had...