My Life Is Upside Down by: Dr. Sharon Collins #takehealthyback My life has been turned upside down. I have been trying very hard to continue to face each day with joy and hope. But the issue is that so many people in my family have died over the past 18 months that I...
ROTTEN – A Documentary on Netflix by: Dr. Sharon Collins #takehealthyback The link to the documentary below reveals an industry in crisis. The food industry has begun to think more of food as a commodity. When something becomes a commodity, fraud quickly follows...
TOXIC ALGAL BLOOMS HEALTH CONCERNS by: Dr. Sharon Collins #takehealthyback We have always had toxic algal blooms in some of our waterways—this is nothing new. It often occurs naturally. However the problem with these toxic blooms is that their extent and frequency is...
Arsenic in Our Food and in Us by: Dr. Sharon Collins #takehealthyback I learned recently that children in California were found to have disturbing levels of arsenic, other heavy metals, and toxic chemical contaminants in their blood. “Cancer benchmark levels were...
Hatred, Love & Reconciliation by: Dr. Sharon Collins #takehealthyback This is a powerful story of hatred, love, and reconciliation. Our world is so full of hatred—mainly because many of us are reacting to what has been done TO us or to those we love. Blacks and...
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