Patients On Multiple Drugs to Stabilize their Mood
by: Dr. Sharon Collins
I see more and more patients these days (pediatric and geriatric patients) who are on multiple drugs to stabilize their moods, or handle their behavior. I am shocked that no one (neither the prescribing physician nor the pharmacist) takes into account or researches the known and well-published interactions of these drugs on the brain and the adverse interactions of these drugs with each other.
It seems as if these very powerful drugs are the immediate go-to solutions to patients’ problems without considering safer and healthier options; all because patients and often their parents demand immediate relief of their situations without taking into account the deleterious damage that these drugs can do to the brain over time.
Ignored is the fact that disorders of the thyroid, hormones, neurotransmitters, vitamin deficiency, and stress which can cause adrenal issues, can and do change mood and behavior.
Don’t get me wrong, I understand desiring quick relief. However, in the majority of times, the problems did not develop overnight and they will not resolve overnight.
It takes me time, but in almost every case I can usually identify nutritional or metabolic imbalances that when treated will cause the symptoms to dissipate; if the symptoms do not, the patient is generally so improved s/he does not need the drugs anymore.
I recently saw a young patient who is currently on 13 different pharmaceutical drugs—of which 9 of them are psychiatric drugs. This patient is not functioning well. He is getting worse. Many believe that the solution to this situation is to add another psychiatric drug. This is CRIMINAL!!
When I perform my due diligence which includes hours and hours of my time in researching and in consulting with my PHARM D expert, I am even more shocked at what these prescribers have done to the patient.
It does not take an expert to understand what is going on. The science experts have already done the research but the problems they uncovered is being ignored. We must read and pay attention to the information already there. The only alternative that I have is to unravel the mess I have in front of me. What I am forced to deal with now is to figure out how to get the patient off NINE pharmaceutical drugs which actually poison the brain. I cannot abruptly stop these drugs without significant harm to the patient at times.
And it takes time and patience and understanding on the part of the patient. These patients need help in the form of counseling from people who understand what is going on. They also must begin helping their bodies help them by eating nutritiously and getting sufficient sleep and rest so they can begin to cope with stress.
It is time for all of us to wake up. Understand that you may not be able to stop these prescribers from doing this to other people. But you definitely can stop it from happening to you.
Please listen to this presentation from Dr. Peter Breggin and then become more proactive—more knowledgeable. Discover what you are doing or not doing in your lifestyle that you must change BEFORE you consider using drugs to deal with the consequences of bad choices.…/
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